Mergers Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Mergers". There are currently 65 quotes in our collection about Mergers. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Mergers!
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  • If Max [Aitken] gets to Heaven he won't last long. He will be chucked out for trying to pull off a merger between Heaven and Hell ... after having secured a controlling interest in key subsidiary companies in both places, of course.

    In A. J. P. Taylor 'Beaverbrook' (1972) ch. 8
  • The pending merger with XM will offer unprecedented choice for consumers and create tremendous value for stockholders.

  • The FCC has delayed the decision on the Time/Warner Comcast merger. So how do you think those folks like being put on hold?

  • Despite the large number of mergers, and the growth in the absolute size of many corporations, the dominant tendency in the American economy at the beginning of [the 20th] century was toward growing competition. Competition was was not the existence of monopoly that caused the federal government to intervene in the economy, but the lack of it.

    "Triumph of Conservatism". Book by Gabriel Kolko, 1963.
  • In going directly to Investment Heaven, you build your portfolio as you would build a wonderful company through a merger and acquisition program. You specify the way you want your portfolio to look, and then you assemble the profile piece by piece by bringing together companies that make their own individual contributions to the desired character.

    "The Inefficient Stock Market - What Pays Off And Why". Book by Robert Haugen, Chapter 14, The Roads to Heaven and Hell, p. 139, 1999.
  • Globalization has considerably accelerated in recent years following the dizzying expansion of communications and transport and the equally stupefying transnational mergers of capital. We must not confuse globalization with "internationalism" though. We know that the human condition is universal, that we share similar passions, fears, needs and dreams, but this has nothing to do with the "rubbing out" of national borders as a result of unrestricted capital movements. One thing is the free movement of peoples, the other of money.

  • There will be no job cuts arising out of this merger in Europe - this is in the interest of jobs in Europe.

  • The Leader of the Opposition's constitutional obligation - the obligation to Parliament - it's the reason we did the merger! - is to make sure Canadians have an alternative for government.

    "Harper appears open to working with Bloc in 2004 CBC interview". Interview with Evan Solomon, December 05, 2008.
  • Technology is a wonderful tool, but also if used incorrectly a horrible tool. We're fascinated by all aspects of it, whatever makes our human lives easier on the planet, but eventually there will have to be some sort of merger. The fascination isn't going to die down.

  • I don't recall a show I've ever been on that had the same director do two episodes in a row, but in England, they do it all the time. In England, they'll just have one director for eight episodes. That was the British system that Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner wanted to bring to the States. I think there was a nice merger of the two systems. They might have gone with one director, but John had obligations on The Village, and he had to leave and come back, so it seemed like a natural place to break it up.

  • Most airlines move too fast in a merger. Speed is not as critical as efficiency.

  • As president, I will appoint tough, independent authorities to strengthen anti-trust enforcement and really scrutinize mergers and acquisitions, so the big don't keep getting bigger and bigger.

  • Economic globalization creates wealth, but only for the elite who benefit from the surge of consolidations, mergers, global scale technology, and financial activity.

    Anita Roddick (2001). “Take It Personally: How to Make Conscious Choices to Change the World”, HarperThorsons
  • Microsoft Mobile Oy is a legal construct that was created to facilitate the merger. It is not a brand that will be seen by consumers. The Nokia brand is available to Microsoft to use for its mobile phones products for a period of time, but Nokia as a brand will not be used for long going forward for smartphones. Work is underway to select the go forward smartphone brand.

  • A merger is hard to pull off under any circumstances. It's harder when everybody is against you.

  • Tough times helped many commodities traders become lean and mean through consolidation, mergers and cost cutting. All that excess supply has been sopped up.

  • Every single time you make a merger, somebody is losing his identity. And saying something different is just rubbish.

  • Katalyst is a merger of three industries. A piece of us is connected to ad agencies. Because we get the complex overlay of the social Web, we know how to engage an audience and how to make entertainment for the social Web. And we know how to gain and activate and retain an audience. So we create social networks for brands.

  • I've got stuff about airline mergers, which just shows that my stand-up is getting more insane by the minute.

    Interview with Chris Mincher, May 20, 2008.
  • I mean look at all these acquisitions and mergers - WhatsApp and Oculus and et cetera. There's no way that you can envision these tech companies as the underdog anymore. They're always presented as though they were these little guys who you should be championing - Facebook will overthrow the cable television complex, blah blah - but it's more likely they will merge with them.

  • Most of the media... is positioning the merger with Compaq and the recent actions by Walter Hewlett and David Packard as a fight between the past and the future.

  • I'm anticlerical, not antireligion. If somebody believes there is God, I'm not interested in trying to persuade that person there is no intelligent design to the universe. Where I become interested and wake up is about the temporal power of religion, things like prayer in schools, or Catholic-secular hospital mergers.

  • Combination does not produce though mergers and combinations are still the accepted panacea. In Big business there appears to be increasing aridity, bureaucracy, and stultifying sacrifice of initiative and above all fear.

  • Why should antitrust laws be used to block mergers that the market, by the existence of willing buyers and sellers, shows to be desirable?

  • This is certainly not the first case in which a merger approved in one place hasn't gone through in the other. There was a case last year where the merger between two EU companies was approved here and blocked in the U.S.

  • Well, you would have to say what is the criteria to determine the success of any merger? It would have to be that the companies are stronger financially, that they took market share, and they are on a very steady footing in terms of their performance.

  • The Internet has taken shape with startlingly little planning? The most universal and indispensable network on the planet somehow burgeoned without so muchasa boardofdirectors, never minda mergers-and- acquisitions department. There is a paradoxical lesson here for strategists. In economic terms, the great corporations are acting like socialist planners, while old- fashioned free-market capitalism blossoms at their feet.

    1994 In the NewYork Times Magazine, 1 May
  • There are these sounds that come from outside that work really well if you're listening. If you're not listening, if you're blocking them out, then you don't get it. You don't get the merger of what the players are doing with everything, listening to everything.

  • Mergers are like marriages. They are the bringing together of two individuals. If you wouldn't marry someone for the 'operational efficiencies' they offer in the running of a household, then why would you combine two companies with unique cultures and identities for that reason?

    "A Warning To Kraft Foods: Eat Cadbury’s And You’ll Get Indigestion" by Simon Sinek, March 21, 2010.
  • The Department of Justice should resolutely bar monopolizing mergers in all markets, including telecommunications, but they are not in a position, as is the FCC, to promote new competition by selling the airwaves in auctions.

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