Conducting Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Conducting". There are currently 184 quotes in our collection about Conducting. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Conducting!
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  • I was trying to help you, so I was beating wrong.

  • Before a person can achieve the kind of life he wants, he must think, act, walk, talk and conduct himself in all of his affairs as would the person he wishes to become.

  • If the village worker is not a decent man or woman, conducting a decent home, he or she had better not aspire after the high privilege and honour of becoming a village worker.

    Mahatma Gandhi (1959). “India of My Dreams”, p.139, Rajpal & Sons
  • The UN stopped using Chalabi's information as a basis for conducting inspections once the tenuous nature of his sources and his dubious motivations became clear. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the mainstream US media, which give prominent coverage to sources of information that, had they not been related to Hussein's Iraq, would normally be immediately dismissed.

    The Christian Science Monitor, January 28, 2002.
  • During a rehearsal of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony the members of the orchestra were so overwhelmingly moved by the conducting of Arturo Toscanini that they rose as one man and applauded him. When the spontaneous cheering has subsided, Toscanini turned to his men, tears glistening in his eyes. "Please . . . please! Don't do this! You see, gentlemen, it isn't me you should applaud. It's Beethoven!"

  • and, unlike the celebrated herd in the poem, they were not forty children conducting themselves as one, but every child was conducting itself like forty.

    Charles Dickens (2004). “A Christmas Carol (Sparklesoup Classics)”, p.27, Sparklesoup LLC
  • We have to show what life is really like in ISIS territory, and we have to show them why ISIS is not invincible, by going out and conducting these attacks and publicizing them to those who they recruit.

  • don't perspire while conducting - only the audience should get warm.

  • I've been a woman for a little over 50 years and have gotten over my initial astonishment. As for conducting an orchestra, that's a job where I don't think sex plays much part.

    "Biography / Personal Quotes".
  • There's something beautifully friendly and elevating about a bunch of guys playing music together. This wonderful little world that is unassailable. It's really teamwork, one guy supporting the others, and it's all for one purpose, and there's no flies in the ointment, for a while. And nobody conducting, it's all up to you. It's really jazz__that's the big secret. Rock and roll ain't nothing but jazz with a hard backbeat.

    "Life". Book by Keith Richards, 2010.
  • The Iraqi forces are conducting the Mother of all Retreats.

  • Doctoral training is devoted almost entirely to learning to do research, even though most Ph.Ds who enter academic life spend far more time teaching than they do conducting experiments or writing books.

  • Though the academic authorities are actually proud of conducting everything by means of Examinations, they seldom indulge in what religious people used to descibe as Self-Examination. The consequence is that the modern State has educated its citizens in a series of ephemeral fads.

  • It is to be feared that those who emigrate to New South Wales, generally anticipate too great facility in their future operations and certainty of success in conducting them; but they should recollect that competency cannot be obtained without labour.

    Charles Sturt (1834). “Two expeditions into the interior of Southern Australia: during the years 1828, 1829, 1830 and 1831 with observations on ... New South Wales”, p.68
  • While it is important to be aware of and sensitive to cultural differences when conducting business internationally, the principles of transparency, trust, and partnership are universal.

  • Conducting is a strange thing to teach.

  • If there is willingness on the Palestinian side to reach an agreement, it is possible. We are conducting the negotiations with goodwill.

  • Conducting is like making love to a hundred people at the same time.

  • For the establishment, philosophy is both an elitist and an idealist discipline: In high school, it is a compulsory subject; at university, they teach the idealist line. They are conducting a conversation with themselves.

  • I don't mind conducting the orchestra if I can play the violin.

  • The alarm in the morning? Well, I have an old tape of Carlo Maria Giulini conducting the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in a perfectly transcendent version in Shubert's seventh symphony. And I've rigged it up so that at exactly 7:30 every morning it falls from the ceiling onto my face.

  • Once you start to look into the guts of climate change you find that just about every scientific institution in the world is conducting research on the issue.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • Economic activity is no longer an adversarial contest between embattled sellers and buyers "In the distributed economy, where collaboration trumps competition, inclusivity replaces exclusivity and transparency and openness to others becomes essential to the new way of conducting business, empathic sensibility has room to breathe and thrive. It is no longer so constrained by hierarchies, boundaries of exclusion, and a concept of human nature that places acquisitiveness, self-interest, and utility at the center of the human experience."

  • Science is not sacrosanct. The mere fact that it exists, is admired, has results is not sufficient for making it a measure of excellence. Modern science arose from global objections against earlier views and rationalism itself, the idea that there are general rules and standards for conducting our affairs, affairs of knowledge included, arose from global objections to common sense.

    "Against Method". Book by Paul Feyerabend, 1975.
  • That is basically me, and although I have done many things in my life - conducting, playing piano, and so on - what is fundamental is my being a composer.

  • Conducting" is when you draw "designs" in the nowhere-with a stick, or with your hands-which are interpreted as "instructional messages" by guys wearing bow ties who wish they were fishing.

    Frank Zappa, Peter Occhiogrosso (1990). “Real Frank Zappa Book”, p.176, Simon and Schuster
  • I thought my friends were damn fools, because they didn't know any better way of conducting their lives. Still they conformed better than I to a code. I wanted to conform but I couldn't so I wrote my poetry.

    William Carlos Williams, A. Walton Litz, Christopher John MacGowan (1986). “The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams: 1909-1939”, p.483, New Directions Publishing
  • In conducting interviews, my fascination is not only with the content of the conversation, but also the overall delivery of spoken language - so much of one's personality and story is embedded within their speech, their rhythms, the structure of their thoughts, their use of particular diction or dialect.

    "The Civilians’ Museum as Musical". Interview with Rachel Egan, September 12, 2014.
  • The first principle, when you don't know anything about the subject of a thesis, is to let the candidate talk, nodding now and then with an ambiguous smile. He thinks you know, and are counting his mistakes, and it unnerves him... the second principle of conducting an oral, ... is to pretend ignorance, and ask for explanations of very simple points. Of course your ignorance is real, but the examinee thinks you are being subtle, and that he is making an ass of himself, and this rattles him.

  • Dalai Lama is transforming those criteria - and the whole way of conducting politics. He's conducting politics in a much deeper way than most politicians are able to. He's the only politician I know of who's a monk. The Pope, of course, is in a similar position, but the Pope isn't in the same way leading a country of many million people.

    "Interview: Pico Iyer". Interview with Felicia M. Tomasko, LA Yoga Magazine: May 2008: Volume 7/No. 5, April 26, 2008.
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